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MOD Future Deployed CIS Training Manager

Home 9 Project 9 MOD Future Deployed CIS Training Manager

Defining the Interim Training Solution for Future Deployed Communication and Information System (CIS) programme

Business Need

A MOD programme is providing Land, Air, Maritime and Joint users with the next generation of deployed CIS. Raptor was tasked to evaluate and reduce the training risk by defining the interim training solution requirement and ensuring a coherent training plan across Land, Air and Maritime. This was challenging due to the agile programme approach, as the training packages had to be defined with the solution under continuous evolution.

Our Role

To define the interim training solution requirement, Raptor undertook a training review utilising the Defence Systems Approach to Training (DSAT), adapting it to reflect the agile delivery approach. During the Analysis Phase, Raptor engaged support engineers and agile design teams to identify system areas likely to require new Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSA), and those that could reutilise existing training. For new KSA areas, the likely range of solutions and the associated level of training burden were identified. We developed tiered training requirements and a training scope of work as inputs to training procurement. We developed training plans for Land, Air and Maritime and led the Training Working Group to ensure training capability delivery was captured and coherent across the three environments.


As a result of our work, the MOD programme has a defined interim training solution requirement and coherent training plans. The training risk was reduced, and MOD was able to commence delivery of the interim training solution, maintaining programme timescales.

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