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Future Police Surveillance Case Study

Home 9 Project 9 Future Police Surveillance Case Study

Identifying options to de-risk the procurement of a next generation police surveillance system.

Business Need

The Home Office initiated a programme to equip Police Forces with the next generation solution for a critical national police surveillance system that is to be integrated with the Emergency Services Network (ESN). The programme had hit some significant challenges and an independent review conducted. A new Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) was appointed who directed that an Options Review be undertaken to identify solution options and validate procurement costs so that an informed balance of investment decision could be taken.

Our Role

Raptor was tasked with delivering the Options Review on behalf of the Home Office, which required the assessment of technical and commercial options and recommendation of an optimum solution.

We undertook a short discovery phase to identify, review and document information from a range of sources including previous technical studies undertaken by the Home Office, engagements with Users to elicit requirements, and engagements with suppliers to identify potential solutions. An Options Assessment Framework was developed to enable the evaluation of options against performance, cost, time and risk criteria. Technology and commercial options were then developed based on industry data and assessed against the criteria within the Assessment Framework. The outputs of the analysis were consolidated to determine the recommended procurement options and a final report and presentation produced.


The recommendations were endorsed and enabled the programme to pass its gateway review and the SRO to make a balance of investment decision. This maximised the use of in-year funding by focussing spending on de-risking the recommended option.

It was a very high-quality job and we were very impressed with the final deliverables. Feedback from the Home Office has been equally positive
Home Office Framework Project Director

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