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MOD Tactical Communication and Information System Case Study

Home 9 Project 9 MOD Tactical Communication and Information System Case Study

Identifying options to inform MOD’s acquisition strategy for future tactical battlefield communications

Business Need

Business Need / Challenge MOD is delivering a programme to equip the Armed Forces with the next generation of agile Tactical Battlefield Communication and Information Systems (CIS), replacing current in-service communications systems delivered since 2003. As part of the Assessment Phase, the MOD required an understanding of the potential options for evolving the current closed architecture to a more open and agile architecture, to help shape the overall acquisition approach.

Our Role

Raptor was tasked to develop a Transition Strategy to define the potential transition approaches to sustain, evolve or replace the current in-service closed system architecture with a more open and agile solution to enable greater interoperability and more flexible system update and re-configuration in the future.

We first defined the ‘as-is’ system in terms of the constituent sub-systems that had to change, based on their significance to the system and contribution to the ‘closed architecture’. The desired future position was then defined through identifying functions required to fulfil the Target Operating Model. Viable transition routes were then identified by assessing the potential system configurations within the overall approaches of sustain, evolve and replace.

A schedule for each transition route was developed to enable representation of each alternative within the Programme Plan. Potential interoperability options were also identified by reviewing relevant policies and standards.


Delivery of a coherent and effective Transition Strategy enabled the MOD to shape the overall programme’s acquisition approach and launch competitions for the future supply of tactical CIS.

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