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IED Detection Case Study

Home 9 Project 9 IED Detection Case Study

Conducting research into technology options for improving detection of concealed explosive devices and reducing risk to life.

Business Need

The Ministry of Defence (MOD) has a range of in-service man-portable detection equipment that has been procured over time to meet specific threats and environments. Each detector is hand carried, offering limited stand-off and can detect a specific range of targets. Soldiers select which equipment to take on patrol based on the environment, the perceived threat, and the weight that can be carried. A future capability project was initiated to optimise the capability to meet the future threat environment by harnessing the latest technology available in a suite of detectors.

Our Role

Raptor was tasked to undertake an independent assessment of technology options that could meet the requirement. The challenge was identifying and gathering evidence on viable sensor technologies capable of detecting a broad target range within diverse environments and whilst improving stand-off between the user and the threat.

Raptor developed an assessment approach that enabled sensor technologies and deployment methods to be compared against the future requirement. Targeted engagement with industry gathered information on a range of technologies whilst protecting individual company intellectual property. Sensor and deployment options were assessed, and viable options identified, which included Unmanned Air Systems with integrated sensors, capable of providing long range stand-off detection. Performance, timescale and risk data for was combined to enable technology options to be assessed against and a technology roadmap proposed.


Raptor identified technology options for potential sensors and stand-off options within a range of acquisition timeframes. A step-change in performance was concluded as achievable within timescales through the introduction of new sensors, data capture and analysis techniques, and unmanned platforms.

As a result, the MOD has an increased understanding of the technology solution space based on industry verified information and can make an informed decision on its procurement options.

MOD now has a stepping stone to launch the next phase of the project, in the form of high level options to take forward as the basis for more detailed analysis to inform the next Military Judgment Panel and the formal gate scrutiny process.
MOD Project Manager

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